My own journey to Self Mastery unfolded as I grew up in a family of 6.
Having learning difficulties at school, I was given the gift of sport by my parents. I began to obsess with high performers and how they succeeded.

Mentors changed my life so many times since I was a kid.
Then I became one, and I realised the most important learning is found in understanding one's self.
And that is found in understanding the person you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with.
My teaching covers a lot of areas, but it's ultimately about becoming the best partner, role model and human you can be, without sacrificing your authenticity.
Because nothing is worth it without being yourself.
I do what I do because I never had someone like me, and I know the power of good guidance and leadership, especially after my time in the military.
Ultimately, with respect, my story doesn't matter. I'm another human like you. I am glad to be of service, so look around and see if there's something useful to you.
And then if you think I could be the mentor that can help you uncover your next expansive vision so that you can unlock more of you in this world, then you can connect with me by clicking here.